Fostering Strength Birth Services

Caring for ​the new ​mother.

Postpartum Doula support ​serving the Riverdale, New ​York area.

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Hand Drawn Organic Pink Flower

Why Fostering Strength?

Postpartum without planning, ​without thought on how you can ​truly rest, heal & nourish yourself is ​far too often the reality for new ​mothers. Not only are you juggling a ​new baby, you also have a new body, ​new hormones, new relationship, new ​routine etc etc. Here at Fostering ​Strength, we believe that with ​education & a plan in place on what ​to expect, how to set good ​boundaries, realistic expectations for ​your body, knowledge of biologically ​normal newborn behaviors & support ​in place before baby comes, you can ​take on postpartum with confidence.

Hand Drawn Organic Orange Flower

focus on advocacy & ​boundary support & ​embracing matrescence

Hand Drawn Organic Orange Flower

focus on education & ​realistic, gentle ​expectations

Hand Drawn Organic Orange Flower

focus on nourishment, ​rest, & holistic, low tox ​living

Hand Drawn Organic Pink Flower

Meet Dané

Dané is a soon-to-be mother of two, ​a CAPPA trained Labor & ​Postpartum Doula*, & a local ​ESOL teacher. After having her ​son, Dané felt like she was purely ​surviving but didn't have the ​support in place to help make the ​transition to Motherhood less ​burdensome. She knows first hand ​how important it is to have ​someone there, unbiasedly, being ​your net & giving you rest & space ​to pickup Motherhood with a bit ​more ease. She wants to come ​alongside new birthing people with ​resources & holistic care by ​fostering others strength in their ​perinatal experience. She can't wait ​to hold you up during this new ​season!

Hand Drawn Organic Orange Flower

Service Offerings

Basic Postpartum Doula Package

~ two prenatal get-to-know-you ​sessions & planning time

~ birth prep resources & 3rd ​trimester nesting session if needed

~ postpartum planning checklist

~ postpartum goodies basket with ​visitors checklist, affirmation cards, ​quick snacks & more

~ optional nourishing family meals ​support with each visit

~ on-call texting & phone call ​support starting at 37 weeks

~ all things education, referrals, & ​resources throughout contract

~ 3hr weekly visits for the first 6 ​weeks

starting at $1500

~ fee includes all travel, food, ​planning sessions, on-call support, & ​24hrs of built-in weekly scheduled ​sessions ~

Postpartum Planning Session

~ one introductory & 75min ​prenatal zoom

~ create a postpartum plan to utilize ​when baby comes

~ basic newborn care education

~ basic postpartum healing ​education

~ basic breastfeeding or baby ​feeding education

~ other predetermined topics or ​concerns to help you feel confident!

rate $75

Hand Drawn Organic Pink Flower

Resources & ​Guides

Postpartum Planning Guide | FREE PDF

New Mother Affirmations |


Fostering Strength Birth Services

Let's Connect!


Riverdale. New York

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*Dané has completed labor & postpartum doula trainings & ​is completing the rest of her CLD/CPD certifications through ​CAPPA this year.